
2013年11月1日-2日,东方文化遗址保护联盟资助在加德满都举办的关于罗马丹(Lo Manthang)的国际研讨会


《罗马丹(Lo Manthang)和上木斯塘(Upper Mustang)文化景观保护国际研讨会》于2013年11月1日至2日在尼泊尔加德满都Taragaon Boudha Hyatt饭店举行,此研讨会由尼泊尔国家考古局(Department of Archaeology,简称DoA)、喜马亚洲基金会(HimalAsia Foundation)、加德满都大学(Kathmandu University)和联合国教科文组织加德满都办公室(UNESCO KTM)共同主办,由东方文化遗址保护联盟(Oriental Cultural Heritage Sites Protection Alliance / Alliance de Protection du Patrimoine Culturel Asiatique,简称OCHSPA / APPCA)提供资金支持协办。



International Symposium


“Safeguarding Lo Manthang and the Cultural Landscape of Upper Mustang”



Organized by

 Department of Archaeology of Nepal, HimalAsia Foundation, Kathmandu University and

UNESCO Office in Kathmandu


Supported by

Oriental Cultural Heritage Sites Protection Alliance, Paris, France


Hyatt Hotel, Boudhanath,

Kathmandu, Nepal

1. and 2. November 2013


Draft Provisional Programme


Version 4, 7. Oktober 2013





Friday, 1 November 2013


9:30 –  10:00

Registration with welcome  tea

10:00  – 10:40


Honorary Chair: Jigme  Shinge Palbar Bista, Gyalchung of the former Kingdom

of  Lo  Manthang, Upper Mustang, Nepal

Chief Guest: Ram Kumar Shrestha, Minister of Culture,Tourism and Civil Aviation

Lighting the Sukunda by the Chief Guest

Etienne  Mathieu
President, Oriental Cultural Heritage Sites Protection Alliance,  France

Suresh  Raj Sharma
Founder Vice-Chancellor, Kathmandu University,  Nepal

Susanne von der Heide
Director, HimalAsia Foundation,  Germany/Nepal

Axel  Plathe
Head, UNESCO Office in Kathmandu and UNESCO Representative to  Nepal

Honorable Ram Kumar Shrestha

Minister of  Culture,Tourism and Civil Aviation

10:40  – 10:45

Tea  Break

10:45  – 12:45

Session I
Community Perception of Changes in Upper  Mustang
Ramesh  Dhungel, Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS), Tribhuvan University,  Nepal
Damodar Dhital , Mahesh  Bashistha

10:45  – 11.05

Aspects of Community Perception Regarding the Heritage of Lo  Manthang
Tsewang Bista, Lo-Gyalpo  Jigme Foundation, Upper Mustang,  Nepal

11:05–  11:25

Community Perception on the Recent Cultural  Changes
Indra Dara Bista, Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP),  Cultural Heritage Conservation Sub-Committee Lo, Upper Mustang, Nepal

11:25  – 11:45

Social Transformations and their Impact on Culture in  Mustang
Tsering Tashi Lama, Choede Monastery and School, Upper Mustang,  Nepal

11:45  – 12:05

The Impact of Climate Change in Mustang
Ghanashyam Gurung, World Wildlife Fund, Nepal

12:05  – 12:25

Gender Perspectives in Terms of Development in Upper  Mustang
Dibya Devi Gurung, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture &  Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), Nepal

12:25  – 12:45


12:45  – 13:45

Lunch Break

13:45  – 15:25

Session II
History of Lo Manthang /  Mustang

Moderator: Tsewang Bista, Lo-Gyalpo Jigme Foundation, Upper Mustang,  Nepal
Bikash  Adhikari, Mahesh Bashistha

13:45  – 14:05

Historical Outline of Mustang (gLo-bo)
Ramesh Dhungel, Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS), Tribhuvan  University, Nepal; Lumbini Buddhist University, Kathmandu, Nepal

14:05  – 14:25

Conserving Built Heritage of Lo Manthang and Upper Mustang - Some  Departures
Sudarshan Raj Tiwari, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan  University, Nepal

14:25  – 14:45

Territory, Human Habitat and Patterns of Religious Transfer in  Byangthang, Mustang and Dolpo
Roberto Vitali, Indiana University, Bloomington,  USA/Italy

14:45  – 15:05

Narsang Gonpa, a Buddhist Monastery of Mustang: Historicity and the  Connection to Western Tibet
Umesh Regmi and Sangag Tenjin, Lumbini College of Buddhism &  Himalayan Studies, Lumbini Buddhist University, Kathmandu,  Nepal

15:05  – 15.25


15:25 – 15:40

Tea  Break

15:40 –  17:20

Session III
Artworks of Lo Manthang: Influences and  Impact

Moderator: Sudarshan Raj Tiwari,  Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Mamta  KC, Serena Amatya

15:40 – 16:00

Hidden  Gems revealed: Buddhist Cave Temple-sites in Upper  Mustang
Susanne von der Heide, HimalAsia Foundation, Germany/  Nepal

16:00 – 16:20

The Life of Buddha  in Stone Sculptures in Western Nepal
Dilli Raj Sharma, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

16:20 – 16: 40

What  is Culture and who is the Judge?  Conserving and Repairing the  Heritage of Upper Mustang
John Sanday, Global Heritage Fund, UK John Sanday Associates,  Kathmandu, Nepal

16:40 – 17:00

Conservation Issues in the Buddhist Context of  Mustang
Neel Kamal Chapagain, Assistant  Professor, Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University  (India), Member of ICOMOS Nepal

17:00 – 17:20


19:00  onwards

Evening Programme at Shechen Monastery  Complex


Cham  Dances of Lamas from Choede Gompa, Lo Manthang

Shedrab Hall of Shechen Monastery  Complex

Lighting of the Lamp by Ven. Dhakpo  Rinpoche


Dinner  hosted by HimalAsia Foundation

Shechen Rapsel Garden  Restaurant



 Saturday, 2 November 2013

09:30 – 12:30

Session  IV
Lo Manthang in a Broader Regional Context
Susanne  von der Heide, Director, HimalAsia Foundation,  Germany/Nepal
Rapporteur: Julia zu  Stolberg

09:30  – 09:55

Atīśa’ first Official  Residence in Tibet - The Archaeological Survey and Excavation of Tholing  Monastery
Zhang Jianlin, Shaanxi  Provincial Institute of Archaeology, China

09:55  – 10:15

Cultural Landscapes and Cliff  Settlements in Bhutan
Kunga Wangmo, Fellow, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London / Bhutan

10:15  – 10:35

Art Style of  the Indo-Tibetan Region in the Western Himalaya during the Second Diffusion of  Buddhism
Ajay Kumar Singh,Banaras Hindu University, India; Bharat  Kala Bhavan, University Museum, India

10:55  – 11:15

Documenting Bhutan - The  Trongsa Cultural Atlas
Françoise Pommaret,National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France ; Royal  University of Bhutan

11:15  – 11:30

Tea Break

11:30  – 11:55

The Architecture of the Second  Diffusion of Buddhism
Gerald Kozicz, Technical University of Graz,  Austria; Austrian Science Fund

11:55  – 12: 15

The Dialog between Heritage Conservation and  Urban Development
Nathalie Lancret, Ecole  Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville, France

12:15  – 12:30


12:30  – 13:30


13:30 – 15:45

Session V
The Outstanding  Universal Value of Lo Manthang
Bhesh Narayan Dahal,  Director-General, Department of Archaeology, Nepal
Rapporteur:  Udeepta Rajbhandary, Serena  Amatya

13:30  – 13:50

Heritage and  Tourism in Upper Mustang
Santosh Sherchan, National Trust for  Nature Conservation,Annapurna Conservation Area Project(ACAP),Conservation Office Lo Manthang,  Upper Mustang/Nepal

14: 10  – 14:30

Benefits and  Duties for National and Local Communities of Inscription on the World Heritage  List and the List of Representative Elements of Intangible Cultural  Heritage
Marielle Richon, Oriental  Cultural Heritage Sites Protection Alliance, Paris,  France

14:50  – 15:10

Results of the  First Phase of Comparative Analysis of Lo Manthang
Maie Kitamura,  Ecole Nationale  Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville,  France

15:10  – 15:25

Tea Break

15:25  – 15:45


Activities for  Conservation of Heritage Sites in Upper Mustang by the Department of  Archaeology
Saubhagya Pradhananga, Department of Archaeology,  Nepal

15:45  – 15:05

Sustainable Management of World Heritage  Cultural Landscapes
Michael Kloos, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

15:05  – 15:25

The World  Heritage Nomination Process and Possibilities of Nominating Lo  Manthang
Roland Lin Chih-Hung, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris,  France

15:25  – 15: 45


15:45 – 16:45

Closing Session

Moderator:  Ajay Kumar Singh, Banaras Hindu University,  India

Summary of Outcomes




Kathmandu University

Department of Archaeology


Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation


Vote of Thanks

Susanne von der Heide, Director, HimalAsia  Foundation


联盟主要成员与尼泊尔政府官员一起参加罗马丹国家研讨会。左起:尼泊尔文化、旅游及民航部长Ram Kumar Shrestha先生,联盟秘书长李志勇先生,联盟主席艾廷央·马修(Etienne Mathieu)先生,联盟专家指导林志宏教授,联盟荣誉主席续慧法师,联盟财务主任Nicolas Brizault先生。© OCHSPA-UNCSCO



           东方文化遗址保护联盟主席艾廷央·马修(Etienne Mathieu)先生在开幕式上致辞。
             © OCHSPA-UNCSCO